Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Homemade Baby Food


One thing that I really wanted to do other than breastfeeding is to make my own baby food. I feel very passionate about what goes into my body, why not be just as passionate or even more about what goes into my tiny babies body!
When I received my baby bullet as a gift at one of my baby showers I was SO excited! And then when she got old enough for me to actually start using it I was even more excited!!
The first thing I gave her was sweet potatoes and she LOVED them!! Still one of her favorites to this day! And since then we have tried so many different things!! I've made green beans, carrots, bananas, green peas, yellow squash, zucchini squash, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, creamed corn and applesauce so far. And she has pretty much like everything.
Every couple of weeks I spend an hour or two in the kitchen prepping her baby food I make it in batches and freeze it so I can just grab it and thaw it out and its ready! It makes life so much easier!
Today was prep day! I spent about 2 hours in the kitchen cooking and preparing her food. I pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it that way then after they are frozen I put them in their own Ziploc bags! 1 cube in the ice cube tray is about one serving of baby food! Its so simple!
I love what the baby bullet book says "Babies typically triple their weight in the first year. So, if we are what we eat, its OUR job to make sure our babys food is fresh and healthy."
I taste everything I have made and let me just say I have tasted jarred baby food before EWW so gross! But what I make taste good! I would eat it and that makes me happy! To know that what I am giving my daughter is exactly the same thing I would eat and it is healthy makes me happy!
Did you know that jarred baby food has a shelf life of up to 3 years? WHAT???? You wouldn't feed your baby a 3 year old banana, so why is it ok to feed your baby a 3 year old banana baby food? How fresh can a banana be that's been sitting on a shelf for 3 years? I feel strongly that homemade baby food is more nutritious than commercially prepared baby food because it is fresher and much less processed.
Even when jarred food is labeled both preservative free and organic, the reason it CAN have a shelf life of 3 years is because its been heated to such an enormous degree that no bacteria can survive in it. But guess what- not all vitamins and minerals can survive that kind of heat either!
The bottom line is, jarred food is convenience food. And just as we shouldn't eat every meal from a drive thru or box, I feel its not healthy for my baby to consume processed, packaged baby foods more than on a rare occasion. In my opinion, I believe that jarred baby food should be an exception, not the norm for feeding your baby.
My goal is to raise her to enjoy REAL FOOD! Not the processed, fake JUNK that is in most grocery stores today! I want to raise her to be healthy and happy and I believe this is a great start!

Here are just a few pictures from my baby food making adventure! :) Enjoy!


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